Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Writing Final

August 22, 2019

Today you will take the final for the writing portion.
You will have exactly forty minutes to read, brainstorm, and respond to the prompt.
Please record your essay on a lined sheet of paper. 

Good luck!

Image result for writing advice

Monday, August 19, 2019

Final Practice

August 21, 2019

Reflect on your original sample essay.
What is one area that you would like to improve?

Based on that area (intro, argumentative paragraph, counterclaim paragraph, conclusion), practice creating a response to the following prompt: 

You will have 15 minutes to write.

Then, compare your paragraph to the example provided.

Review the steps they took to create that paragraph.

As you are working, I will meet with you individually to provide feedback.

Tomorrow you will take the benchmark for this course. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Cracking the ACT: Body Paragraph and Conclusion

August 15, 2019

Body Paragraph
Read the sample paragraph on page 375.
Then, reflect on your paragraph, creating a plus and delta.

The Counterclaim 
Read through Body Paragraphs, Part II: Attacking the Other Position.
Use the next ten minutes to create your own example.

Read through conclusions on page 378.
Use the remaining class time to create the conclusion.

NEXT THURSDAY you will take the benchmark for this class.
You will be responding to a prompt as if it is the real ACT.
If there is anything you would like to cover on Wednesday to help you prepare, please let me know.

Cracking ACT: Intro and Body Paragraphs

August 14, 2019

On page 373, we will go over introductions.
Take 10 minutes to create an introduction with a partner.
Then compare your introduction to the one page 374.  
Identify both a plus and delta.

On page 374, read the information on body paragraphs.
With your partner, construct a body paragraph based on the same topic. 
Eventually, we will compare your body paragraph to the sample. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Cracking the ACT

August 13, 2019

Turn in your original and edited copy of your essay, along with your two rubrics.

Cracking the ACT: 
As a class, we will read through pages 366-370.
On page 370, we will complete the key words and phrases activity.
Additionally, brainstorm reasons for both sides.
On page 373, we will go over introductions.
Take 10 minutes to create an introduction with a partner.
Then compare your introduction to the one page 374.  
Finally, we will review the body paragraphs to support position. 

Monday, August 12, 2019


August 12, 2019

Take out your writing rubrics from last week. 
Based on your peers feedback, edit your essay to strengthen the ideas and analysis, development and support, organization, and language.
Once you are done editing, return your essay and rubric to your peer.
They will reevaluate your essay, making new marks on the rubric in a different color. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

ACT Writing Rubric

August 8, 2019

As a class, we will go over the writing expectations.

Then, find a partner and evaluate them on the four different categories.
You must complete TWO peer edits. 
Circle the appropriate score and provide them with a plus and delta.
Once you are finished, return the essay and rubric to your partner. 

Finally, once you have your rubric, reflect on your score. 
Determine three different ways that you could improve your score.
We will use those suggestions to revise your original essay. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Sample Essay Practice

August 7, 2019

Use the link to read and respond to the prompt. 
You will be given the entire class time to craft your first sample essay.
Tomorrow, we will peer review the essays and grade them based on the ACT rubric.